德国安诺尼公司(Aaronia AG)成立于2003 ,CEO Thorsten Chmielus,一个技术天才,拥有专利的频谱分析处理技术。Aaronia AG 致力于研究各种高性能的HF系列的电磁兼容频谱仪及NF系列的电磁辐射频谱仪,众所周知,安诺尼公司(Aaronia AG)拥有强大的研发实力和先进的制造技术,2008年安诺尼(Aaronia AG)开发了第四代产品SPECTRAN V4 系列,是第一款灵敏度达到 -170dB的频谱仪,打破世界纪录。
在2011德国慕尼黑Productronica展会上,安诺尼公司(Aaronia AG)推出多款最新的SPECTRAN V5系列手持式实时频谱分析仪,同时也是全球第一部具有实时频谱显示功能的仪器,SPECTRAN V5具有超大的显示屏、超宽的带宽、超灵敏的检测以及强大的扩展功能,让SPECTRAN V5的性能傲视群雄,同时也吸引了与会人员的极大兴趣。
安诺尼公司(Aaronia AG)的研发人员采用先进的高性能DSP技术,在生产过程中大量使用现代制造技术及模块化生产,极大提高产品性能的同时,大大降低了设备成本,使专业级的EMC频谱仪设备的价格从未如此之低。
Aaronia AG is a manufacturing company of high end RF & MW equipment based in Germany.
Aaronia was founded in 2003 by Mr. Thorsten Chmielus and mainly produces Spectrum Analyzers, Generators, Antennas and Shielding Materials. In 2004 Aaronia shipped its first spectrum analyzer.
In 2008 Aaronia presented a new generation of the SPECTRAN spectrum analyzer, the V4 series. It was the first handheld RF analyzer to reach a sensitivity of -170dBm DANL - a world record.
In 2016 Aaronia released the SPECTRAN V5 series - the world's first and only handheld, real-time spectrum analyzer. The frequency range for the V5 Series was extended from max. 9,4GHz to 20GHz.
Todays purpose of the enterprise is development, trade and sale of measuring equipment, technologies and rights of low and high frequency measurement technique, robotics as well as screening/shielding of RF and E-fields and fundamental research at the segment of communications and measurement engineering, furthermore the construction of own circuitries and measuring methods in particular for the development of extreme sensitive and precise high-frequency measurement devices.